Wednesday, March 20, 2013

This is the beginning...

This is my first post, and we are all going to expierence this together! YAY! or something...

This is actually my 3rd or 4th first post on this blog. I have tried to sit down and really write this for a long time, but I just never got around to it. Or keeping up with it. I guess it's because it's sort of scary to sit down and pour out your thoughts to people on the internet (or no one, which is fine too!) But, I feel like it's time. Today is the first official day of Spring and here in Michigan it's cold and snowy... go figure! As such, I feel like it's time for some changes. Even though change is scary and I generally don't like it, I know it's needed. 

So, without further delay here is a short bio on me so you know who is sitting behind this keyboard writing all of this:

Name: Jessica
Age: 31
Location: Michigan
Job: Receptionist
Likes: Music, movies, reading, geekery, sunshine, inappropriate humor, happiness, friends, fun, people watching, uniqueness, people who are awesome, honesty, tattoos
Dislikes: Long work days, traffic, papercuts, assholes, feeling alone, snow, cold, lies, dissapointments 

That's me in a nutshell. On this blog I am going to write about many things... daily life, struggles and acheievements, music and movies, friends, basically everything :)

I hope you enjoy this, and I hope it's as cathartic for me as I think it's going to be!